Start making money with the music supplier Eatingndastreets Music
Become a Eatingndastreets Affiliate Today and Start Making Money! Know a friend who needs to take their career to the next level? Offer our services and make over 30% commission.
Make money from music literally! Eatingndastreets supplies the world with the best underground and indie music from across the world. Now we want to extend our opportunities to the public making everyone who wants to be apart of the Eatingndastreets Team. When we make money you make money!
Here are the perks of being a Eatingndastreets Affiliate:
Recurring Profits!
When you make a sale, the commission you make is paid to you monthly as long as the artist keep using are services.
Make 35% Commission starting out
Make 35% commission starting off with every sale you make with the opportunity to have a increase
Get paid twice a month
Why wait to get paid monthly when you can get paid twice a month, payments go out on the 1st and the 15th of each month.
Make 15 sales commission increase to 40%
Make 15 sales and we will increase your commission sales to 40%, and don't forget this is recurring every month.
Go crazy, make over 50 sales and receive bonuses!
Make over 50% commission that's paid to you monthly for as long as their using our services.
Go crazy, make over 50 sales and receive bonuses!
Make over 50% commission that's paid to you monthly for as long as their using our services.
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